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Roundness axis (ROND)

“Roundness” (ROND in CSS) is an axis found in some variable fonts that can be used to change shapes from sharp and angular defaults to rounded versions.

The Google Fonts CSS v2 API defines the axis as:

Default: Min: Max: Step:
0 0 100 1

In the Wavefont typeface, 2 sets of 4 vertical stroke elements with varying lengths are shown, once with a minimum value of the Roundness axis applied, and again with the maximum value applied so that the terminals of the strokes are fully rounded.

In Wavefont, manipulating this axis results in changing the rectangular bar chart style to one that has a large border radius at the top and bottom of each bar. This axis is similar, but subtly different, to the Softness axis (SOFT).


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Roundness axis (ROND) – Fonts Knowledge - Google Fonts