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Noto: A typeface for the world

Noto Sans Japanese

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人類社会のすべての構成員の固有の尊厳と平等で譲ることのできない権利とを承認することは、世界における自由、正義及び平和の基礎であるので、 人権の無視及び軽侮が、人類の良心を踏みにじった野蛮行為をもたらし、言論及び信仰の自由が受けられ、恐怖及び欠乏のない世界の到来が、一般の人々の最高の願望として宣言されたので、 人間が専制と圧迫とに対する最後の手段として反逆に訴えることがないようにするためには、法の支配によって人権を保護することが肝要であるので、 諸国間の友好関係の発展を促進することが肝要であるので、国際連合の諸国民は、国連憲章において、基本的人権、人間の尊厳及び価値並びに男女の同権についての信念を再確認し、かつ、一層大きな自由のうちで社会的進歩と生活水準の向上とを促進することを決意したので、 加盟国は、国際連合と協力して、人権及び基本的自由の普遍的な尊重及び遵守の促進を達成することを誓約したので、 これらの権利及び自由に対する共通の理解は、この誓約を完全にするためにもっとも重要であるので、 よって、ここに、国連総会は、 社会の各個人及び各機関が、この世界人権宣言を常に念頭に置きながら、加盟国自身の人民の間にも、また、加盟国の管轄下にある地域の人民の間にも、これらの権利と自由との尊重を指導及び教育によって促進すること並びにそれらの普遍的措置によって確保することに努力するように、すべての人民とすべての国とが達成すべき共通の基準として、この人権宣言を公布する。
𑢶𑣁𑣓𑣕𑣈𑣓, 𑢾𑣏𑣂𑣅𑣃 𑢶𑣁𑣓𑣁𑣙 𑢾𑣀𑣞𑣁𑣔𑣙𑣓, 𑢷𑣂𑣌𑣁𑣞 𑢷𑣂𑣗𑣙𑣋, 𑢮𑣙𑣁𑣜𑣌𑣙𑣓𑣑 𑣞𑣜𑣌𑣁𑣜. 𑢼𑣁𑣓𑣏𑣂𑣅𑣄, 𑣘𑣕𑣜𑣁𑣀𑣌 𑣤/𑣣-𑣡𑣡/𑣢𑣠𑣠𑣢 𑣔𑣂𑣚𑣀 𑣡𑣠/𑣧/𑣢𑣠𑣠𑣢 𑣚𑣈𑣌𑣁 𑣕𑣈 𑣖𑣃𑣕𑣃𑣚 𑣙𑣉𑣉 𑣙𑣅𑣖 𑣘𑣘𑣁𑣔𑣂𑣜 𑣎𑣃𑣘𑣃𑣚𑣅 𑢯𑣁𑣆𑣗𑣁𑣞𑣁 𑣜𑣈𑣅𑣄 𑣆𑣊𑣋𑣃𑣚 𑣙𑣉𑣉 𑣙𑣅𑣖 𑣘𑣘𑣁𑣔𑣂𑣜 𑣎𑣃𑣖𑣘𑣃𑣚𑣅 𑣗𑣁𑣜𑣁 𑣎𑣉𑣊 𑢹𑣗𑣁𑣜𑣊 𑣏𑣂𑣕𑣂 𑣉𑣓𑣉𑣚 𑣕𑣈 𑣘𑣃𑣕𑣂 𑣗𑣆 𑣓𑣀 𑣙𑣅𑣖 𑣗𑣂𑣔𑣃𑣁𑣙 𑣉𑣓𑣑𑣉𑣄 𑣄𑣂𑣕𑣂 𑣖𑣜𑣃 𑣌𑣉𑣄 𑢯𑣁𑣆𑣗𑣁𑣞𑣁 𑣜𑣈 𑣌𑣈𑣓𑣈𑣅𑣁 𑣙𑣉𑣗𑣁 𑣚𑣈𑣓𑣁 𑣉𑣓𑣑𑣉𑣄 𑣈𑣓 𑢮𑣙𑣁𑣜𑣌𑣙𑣓𑣑 𑣞𑣜𑣌𑣁𑣜 𑣘𑣁𑣅 𑣕𑣈 𑣈𑣚𑣁 𑣔𑣙𑣜𑣁 𑣌𑣓 𑢳 𑢾 𑢦 𑢼 𑢲 𑣘𑣃𑣕𑣂 𑣉𑣛𑣊 𑣕𑣈𑣋𑣈 𑣘𑣃𑣕𑣂 𑣌𑣉 𑣉𑣚 𑣁𑣀𑣌𑣁 𑣅𑣓𑣁 𑢾𑣙𑣖𑣅 𑣜𑣂𑣊𑣋𑣁 𑣕𑣈 𑣜𑣉𑣌𑣁-𑣕𑣉𑣌𑣁 𑣌𑣃𑣜𑣃-𑣖𑣃𑣒𑣃 𑣌𑣈𑣓𑣈𑣉 𑣕𑣈 𑣕𑣜𑣁 𑣏𑣃𑣓𑣃𑣜 𑣔𑣉 𑢳 𑢾 𑢦 𑢼 𑢲 𑣘𑣃𑣕𑣂 𑣜𑣈𑣅𑣄 𑣋𑣈 𑣙𑣉𑣉 𑣙𑣅𑣖 𑣕𑣈 𑣁𑣀𑣌𑣁 𑣅𑣓𑣁 𑣁𑣜 𑣁𑣔𑣊 𑣏𑣃𑣓𑣃𑣜 𑣔𑣉 𑣙𑣃𑣔𑣁 𑣜𑣈𑣅𑣄 𑣔𑣉𑣚𑣉𑣓 𑣉𑣓𑣑𑣉𑣏1 𑣙𑣉𑣗𑣁 𑣅𑣓 𑣘𑣆𑣒𑣂-𑣘𑣓𑣆𑣒𑣂 𑣌𑣉𑣜𑣈 𑣕𑣓𑣕𑣜𑣁𑣁 𑣕𑣃𑣁 𑢷𑣉𑣏𑣉𑣜 𑣡𑣨𑣣𑣠 𑣔𑣜𑣁-𑣔𑣁𑣜𑣂𑣂 𑣕𑣈 𑢾𑣂𑣊𑣗𑣃𑣆 𑣜𑣈 𑢹𑣂𑣓𑣔𑣂 𑢧𑣛𑣂𑣅𑣁 𑣉𑣓𑣑𑣉𑣄 𑢦𑣊𑣋𑣚𑣂𑣝 𑣙𑣅𑣖 𑣌𑣉𑣕𑣈 𑣋𑣈 𑣖𑣉𑣀𑣑𑣉 𑣌𑣉𑣜𑣈 𑣉𑣚-𑣘𑣛𑣁𑣉 𑣞𑣈𑣞𑣈𑣓 𑣙𑣃𑣎𑣃𑣏𑣁 𑣌𑣓𑣁

Noto Sans Tagalog

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ᜀᜅ᜔ ᜎᜑᜆ᜔ ᜅ᜔ ᜆᜂᜌ᜔ ᜁᜐᜒᜈᜒᜎᜅ᜔ ᜈ ᜋᜎᜌ ᜀᜆ᜔ ᜉᜈ᜔ᜆᜌ᜔ᜉᜈ᜔ᜆᜌ᜔ ᜐ ᜃᜇᜅᜎᜈ᜔ ᜀᜆ᜔ ᜋ᜔ᜄ ᜃᜇᜉᜆᜈ᜔ ᜐᜒᜎᜌ᜔ ᜉᜒᜈᜄ᜔ᜃᜎᜓᜊᜈ᜔ ᜅ᜔ ᜃᜆ᜔ᜏᜒᜇᜈ᜔ ᜀᜆ᜔ ᜊᜓᜇ᜔ᜑᜒ ᜀᜆ᜔ ᜇᜉᜆ᜔ ᜋᜄ᜔ᜉᜎᜄᜌᜈ᜔ ᜀᜅ᜔ ᜁᜐᜆ᜔ ᜁᜐ ᜐ ᜇᜒᜏ ᜅ᜔ ᜉᜄ᜔ᜃᜃᜉᜆᜒᜇᜈ᜔ ᜀᜅ᜔ ᜎᜑᜆ᜔ ᜅ᜔ ᜆᜂᜌ᜔ ᜁᜐᜒᜈᜒᜎᜅ᜔ ᜈ ᜋᜎᜌ ᜀᜆ᜔ ᜉᜈ᜔ᜆᜌ᜔ᜉᜈ᜔ᜆᜌ᜔ ᜐ ᜃᜇᜅᜎᜈ᜔ ᜀᜆ᜔ ᜋ᜔ᜄ ᜃᜇᜉᜆᜈ᜔ ᜐᜒᜎᜌ᜔ ᜉᜒᜈᜄ᜔ᜃᜎᜓᜊᜈ᜔ ᜅ᜔ ᜃᜆ᜔ᜏᜒᜇᜈ᜔ ᜀᜆ᜔ ᜊᜓᜇ᜔ᜑᜒ ᜀᜆ᜔ ᜇᜉᜆ᜔ ᜋᜄ᜔ᜉᜎᜄᜌᜈ᜔ ᜀᜅ᜔ ᜁᜐᜆ᜔ ᜁᜐ ᜐ ᜇᜒᜏ ᜅ᜔ ᜉᜄ᜔ᜃᜃᜉᜆᜒᜇᜈ᜔ ᜀᜅ᜔ ᜎᜑᜆ᜔ ᜅ᜔ ᜆᜂᜌ᜔ ᜁᜐᜒᜈᜒᜎᜅ᜔ ᜈ ᜋᜎᜌ ᜀᜆ᜔ ᜉᜈ᜔ᜆᜌ᜔ᜉᜈ᜔ᜆᜌ᜔ ᜐ ᜃᜇᜅᜎᜈ᜔ ᜀᜆ᜔ ᜋ᜔ᜄ ᜃᜇᜉᜆᜈ᜔ ᜐᜒᜎᜌ᜔ ᜉᜒᜈᜄ᜔ᜃᜎᜓᜊᜈ᜔ ᜅ᜔ ᜃᜆ᜔ᜏᜒᜇᜈ᜔ ᜀᜆ᜔ ᜊᜓᜇ᜔ᜑᜒ ᜀᜆ᜔ ᜇᜉᜆ᜔ ᜋᜄ᜔ᜉᜎᜄᜌᜈ᜔ ᜀᜅ᜔ ᜁᜐᜆ᜔ ᜁᜐ ᜐ ᜇᜒᜏ ᜅ᜔ ᜉᜄ᜔ᜃᜃᜉᜆᜒᜇᜈ᜔ ᜀᜅ᜔ ᜎᜑᜆ᜔ ᜅ᜔ ᜆᜂᜌ᜔ ᜁᜐᜒᜈᜒᜎᜅ᜔ ᜈ ᜋᜎᜌ ᜀᜆ᜔ ᜉᜈ᜔ᜆᜌ᜔ᜉᜈ᜔ᜆᜌ᜔ ᜐ ᜃᜇᜅᜎᜈ᜔ ᜀᜆ᜔ ᜋ᜔ᜄ ᜃᜇᜉᜆᜈ᜔ ᜐᜒᜎᜌ᜔ ᜉᜒᜈᜄ᜔ᜃᜎᜓᜊᜈ᜔ ᜅ᜔ ᜃᜆ᜔ᜏᜒᜇᜈ᜔ ᜀᜆ᜔ ᜊᜓᜇ᜔ᜑᜒ ᜀᜆ᜔ ᜇᜉᜆ᜔ ᜋᜄ᜔ᜉᜎᜄᜌᜈ᜔ ᜀᜅ᜔ ᜁᜐᜆ᜔ ᜁᜐ ᜐ ᜇᜒᜏ ᜅ᜔ ᜉᜄ᜔ᜃᜃᜉᜆᜒᜇᜈ᜔ ᜀᜅ᜔ ᜎᜑᜆ᜔ ᜅ᜔ ᜆᜂᜌ᜔ ᜁᜐᜒᜈᜒᜎᜅ᜔ ᜈ ᜋᜎᜌ ᜀᜆ᜔ ᜉᜈ᜔ᜆᜌ᜔ᜉᜈ᜔ᜆᜌ᜔ ᜐ ᜃᜇᜅᜎᜈ᜔ ᜀᜆ᜔ ᜋ᜔ᜄ ᜃᜇᜉᜆᜈ᜔ ᜐᜒᜎᜌ᜔ ᜉᜒᜈᜄ᜔ᜃᜎᜓᜊᜈ᜔ ᜅ᜔ ᜃᜆ᜔ᜏᜒᜇᜈ᜔ ᜀᜆ᜔ ᜊᜓᜇ᜔ᜑᜒ ᜀᜆ᜔ ᜇᜉᜆ᜔ ᜋᜄ᜔ᜉᜎᜄᜌᜈ᜔ ᜀᜅ᜔ ᜁᜐᜆ᜔ ᜁᜐ ᜐ ᜇᜒᜏ ᜅ᜔ ᜉᜄ᜔ᜃᜃᜉᜆᜒᜇᜈ᜔

Noto Sans

Variable (3 axes) Google
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.

Noto Sans Adlam Unjoined

Variable (1 axis) Google
𞤑𞤢𞤤𞤢 𞤲𞤫𞤯𞥆𞤮 𞤭𞤲𞤢 𞤶𞤮𞤺𞤭𞥅 𞤸𞤢𞤳𞥆𞤫 𞤲'𞤣𞤭𞤥𞤢𞥄𞤺𞤵 𞤥𞤭𞥅𞤶𞤮⹁ 𞤸𞤢𞤳𞥆𞤭𞤤𞤢𞤲𞤼𞤢𞥄𞤺𞤢𞤤 𞤳𞤢𞤥 𞤫 𞤣𞤭𞥅𞤲𞤫. 𞤌𞥅𞤲 𞤸𞤢𞤳𞥆𞤫 𞤭𞤲𞤢 𞤪𞤮𞥅𞤲𞤣𞤭𞥅 𞤲'𞤣𞤭𞤥𞤢𞥄𞤺𞤵 𞤱𞤢𞤴𞤤𞤵𞤣𞤫 𞤣𞤭𞥅𞤲𞤫 𞤳𞤢𞤥 𞤫 𞤲'𞤣𞤭𞤥𞤢𞥄𞤺𞤵 𞤼𞤢𞤦𞤭𞤼𞤭𞤲𞤣𞤫 𞤣𞤭𞥅𞤲𞤫 𞤥𞤵𞤥 𞤱𞤢𞤤𞥆𞤢 𞤴𞤭 𞤴𞤢𞤲𞥆𞤣𞤫 𞤥𞤵𞤥 𞤳𞤢𞤻𞤵𞤥 𞤺𞤮𞥅𞤼𞤮 𞤱𞤢𞤤𞥆𞤢 𞤫 𞤱𞤮𞤲𞤣𞤵𞤣𞤫 𞤫 𞤱𞤮𞤯𞤩𞤫. 𞤐'𞤺𞤢𞥄𞤤 𞤼𞤢𞤦𞤭𞤼𞤭𞤲𞤢𞤤 𞤣𞤭𞥅𞤲𞤫 𞤲𞤮𞥅𞤲 𞤭𞤲𞤢 𞤲𞤮𞤲𞤢 𞤳𞤮 𞤯𞤵𞥅𞤯𞤭𞥅 𞤫 𞤳𞤮 𞤬𞤫𞥅𞤻𞤭 𞤬𞤮𞤬 𞤼𞤢𞤱𞤢 𞤳𞤮 𞤪𞤫𞤱𞤲𞤫𞥅𞤣𞤫 𞤫 𞤣𞤮𞤱 𞤶𞤢𞤲𞤣𞤫⹁ 𞤱𞤢𞤤𞥆𞤢 𞤣𞤫𞤱𞤢𞤤 𞤱𞤢𞤤𞥆𞤢 𞤶𞤢𞤥𞤭𞤪𞤮𞥅𞤶𞤫 𞤣𞤭𞥅𞤲𞤢 𞤳𞤢𞤲. 𞤐𞤫𞤯𞥆𞤮 𞤭𞤲𞤢 𞤶𞤮𞤺𞤭𞥅 𞤸𞤢𞤳𞥆𞤫 𞤫 𞤲'𞤣𞤭𞤥𞤢𞥄𞤺𞤵 𞤶𞤮𞤺𞤢𞥄𞤣𞤫 𞤥𞤭𞥅𞤶𞤮 𞤫 𞤧𞤢𞥄𞤳𞤼𞤵𞤣𞤫 𞤥𞤭𞥅𞤶𞤮 𞤥𞤵𞤥 𞤯𞤵𞤥 𞤬𞤭𞤪𞤼𞤭 𞤳𞤮 𞤶𞤮𞥅𞤥 𞤥𞤵𞤥 𞤬𞤮𞤼𞤢𞥄𞤥𞤭 𞤸𞤵𞤤𞤣𞤫 𞤬𞤫𞥅𞤻𞤲𞤭𞤲𞤣𞤫 𞤥𞤭𞥅𞤶𞤮 𞤥𞤵𞤥 𞤱𞤢𞤤𞥆𞤢 𞤱𞤭𞤯𞤼𞤵𞤣𞤫⹁ 𞤸𞤫𞤩𞤣𞤫 𞤳𞤢𞤥 𞤫 𞤧𞤢𞤪𞤣𞤫 𞤥𞤭𞥅𞤶𞤮𞥅𞤶𞤭 𞤫 𞤳𞤢𞤦𞤢𞤾𞤵𞥅𞤶𞤭 𞤼𞤢𞤱𞤢 𞤱𞤮𞤰𞤢𞥄𞤳𞤭 𞤳𞤫𞥅𞤪𞤭 𞤸𞤢𞤳𞥆𞤵𞤲𞤣𞤫 𞤤𞤫𞤴𞤯𞤫𞥅𞤤𞤫 𞤫 𞤲𞤮 𞤧𞤢𞤪𞤣𞤢𞥄 𞤬𞤮𞤬. 𞤐𞤫𞤯𞥆𞤮 𞤳𞤢𞤤𞤢 𞤫 𞤲'𞤣𞤫𞤪 𞤪𞤫𞤲𞥆𞤣𞤮 𞤭𞤲𞤢 𞤶𞤮𞤺𞤭𞥅 𞤸𞤢𞤳𞥆𞤫 𞤫 𞤲'𞤣𞤫𞥅𞤲 𞤳𞤢 𞤪𞤫𞤲𞥆𞤣𞤮𞤴𞤢𞤲𞤳𞤫𞥅𞤱𞤮. 𞤯𞤵𞤥𞤳𞤮 𞤱𞤫𞤤𞤼𞤢𞥄𞤪𞤫 𞤸𞤢𞤳𞥆𞤫𞥅𞤶𞤭 𞤬𞤢𞤺𞥆𞤵𞤣𞤵𞤴𞤢𞤲𞤳𞤮𞤶 𞤫 𞤪𞤫𞤲𞥆𞤣𞤮𞤴𞤢𞤲 𞤸𞤫𞥅𞤶𞤭 𞤫 𞤨𞤭𞤲𞤢 𞤴𞤢𞤲𞤳𞤮𞥅𞤶𞤭 𞤳𞤢𞤼𞤮𞤶𞤭𞤲𞤢𞥄 𞤯𞤭 𞤫 𞤲'𞤣𞤭𞤥𞤢𞥄𞤺𞤵 𞤫 𞤩𞤢𞤥𞤼𞤢𞥄𞤪𞤫 𞤢𞥄𞤣𞤫 𞤫 𞤣𞤮𞤱 𞤼𞤵𞥅𞤺𞤢𞥄𞤣𞤫 𞤫 𞤲'𞤺𞤮𞤲𞤳𞤢 𞤤𞤫𞤴𞤣𞤭 𞤬𞤮𞤬.

Fonts for all languages

What is Noto?

Noto is a collection of high-quality fonts with multiple weights and widths in sans, serif, mono, and other styles. The Noto fonts are perfect for harmonious, aesthetic, and typographically correct global communication, in more than 1,000 languages and over 150 writing systems.

"Noto" means "I write, I mark, I note" in Latin. The name is also short for "no tofu", as the project aims to eliminate 'tofu': blank rectangles shown when no font is available for your text.

Read and write text in any language

Nearly half of the 6,000 languages spoken in the world are endangered. Noto includes fonts for nearly all of the world's writing systems (scripts): from Latin, Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew, and all Indic scripts, to Egyptian hieroglyphs and emoji.

The designs are harmonious across scripts but retain the authentic flavors that make each script special. The fonts use Unicode and OpenType (ISO Open Font) international standards for accurate, professional-quality rendering of all orthographies.

Internationalize your visual design

Business documents require a range of styles to convey document structure visually. Noto offers 100s of styles that form a modular, flexible typographic system — for designers, writers, publishers, advertisers, software makers, students, and scholars everywhere.

If you're already using some font for your language, complement it with selected Noto fonts of similar styles for other languages. Or use the entire Noto fonts collection to create clean, consistent typography across many scripts and languages.

Write with confidence

Google has developed Noto with Monotype, Adobe, and leading experts from around the world. The letterforms are crafted by experienced type designers. Script experts supervise the aesthetic and typographic correctness.

The fonts are available as variable and static OpenType fonts, as CSS web fonts, and in source formats that make customization easy. The development process is transparent and open-source.

Use in print and digital

Need fonts for your website, book, app or product? All Noto fonts are licensed under the Open Font License.

You can use them in all your products & projects — print or digital, commercial or otherwise. However, you can't sell the fonts on their own. (This isn't legal advice, please consider consulting a lawyer and see the full license for all details.)

Learn more

World scripts are as diverse as humans, they have different proportions and writing directions. One font file could not fit them all, so Noto includes 100s of font files in several formats.

Noto - Google Fonts