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Gentium Book Plus

Designed by SIL International


Gentium Book Plus is the new version of the reduced character set families, Gentium Book Basic. This 'Basic' familie only cover a limited range of Latin, and none of Gentium Book Plus's Ext Latin, Cyrillic, or Greek (both modern and ancient).

Gentium Book Plus now extends the same 4 styles/weights of the previous Gentium Book Basic and to the full character set that complete Gentium Plus (also on github).

This update brings many other improvements, including a very significant improvement in hinting for Windows users and WOFF2 versions. These fonts cover a far greater character set than the Gentium Book Basic, so are larger, but since GF subsets the difference won't affect users.

You can find here the Gentium Plus, a very similar family that has a slightly lighter weight.

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SIL International works with local communities to develop language solutions that expand possibilities for a better life. A small team specializes in developing fonts for world scripts including Arabic, Burmese, Cyrillic, Devanagari, Ethiopic, Greek, Gunjala Gondi, Hebrew, Latin, Lepcha, Miao, New Tai Lue, Tai Viet, Tifinagh, and Yi.


Choosing type

When you have some text, how can you choose a typeface? Many people—professional designers included—go through an app’s font menu until we find one we like. But the aim of this Google Fonts Knowledge module is to show that there are many considerations that can improve our type choices. By setting some useful constraints to aid our type selection, we can also develop a critical eye for analyzing type along the way.

Gentium Book Plus - Google Fonts