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Designed by Daniel Johnson, Cyreal


Jura is a family of sans-serif fonts in the Eurostile vein. It was originally inspired by some work I was doing for the FreeFont project in designing a Kayah Li range for FreeMono. The Latin alphabet is using the same kinds of strokes and curves as the Kayah Li glyphs, and thus Jura was born. It has been expanded to include glyphs for the Cyrillic and Greek alphabets as well.

The original Kayah Li glyphs have been included in this font. Note that glyphs for writing mainstream Burmese are not and never have been a part of this font.

The Jura family has an unfortunate name clash with Ed Merritt’s Jura serif font. To contribute, see


Choosing type

When you have some text, how can you choose a typeface? Many people—professional designers included—go through an app’s font menu until we find one we like. But the aim of this Google Fonts Knowledge module is to show that there are many considerations that can improve our type choices. By setting some useful constraints to aid our type selection, we can also develop a critical eye for analyzing type along the way.

Jura - Google Fonts