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Playpen Sans


Playpen Sans is one of the font families produced by TypeTogether during over two years of primary research into handwriting education for Latin-based languages, available at

Playpen Sans is a variable font with a weight range from Thin (100) to ExtraBold (800), and supports over 150 Latin-based languages along with a set of "reward icons" as emoji.

It has seven alternate glyphs for each character that are automatically applied as you type, with a built-in shuffler that both ensures variation and avoids repetitive shapes in close proximity. This adds to the overall organic, spontaneous, and authentic feel of the handwritten style.

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A new casual handwriting font

Some typefaces do more than one thing well, and others excel at one great thing. The Playpen Sans font family by Veronika Burian, Laura Meseguer, and José Scaglione excels at imitating casual handwriting with a completely natural look — the aesthetic form of something made by hand and the digital function of a professional typeface.

The font world has a general tension between what’s organic and what’s digital. When scribbling a quick note, the letters have slight differences, but all look similar because they come from the same person. Handwritten text is inconsistent, while digital typefaces are intended to be consistent — each character exactly the same every time it’s typed.

The goal of a typeface that is both casual in look and digital in nature is to appear authentically human within the bounds of digital reproduction. So, a typeface with a set of characters that are “the same but different” has the authenticity everyone craves. The main problem with casual fonts is not having enough alternate characters to look real. When a family has more than one alternate, another problem arises in controlling how and when a character gets replaced.

To solve these problems, Playpen Sans was designed with seven versions of each character, plus a built-in shuffler, so no single shape is repeated in close proximity. The result is text with spontaneous inconsistencies that feel fun and organic… all the benefits of a modern, professional typeface that looks natural.

The family was made for non-designers and it shines within short, informal settings: greeting cards and invitations, casual signs and documents, and of course, children’s books and educational materials, comic books, and graphic novels. Its straight and curved endings for ‘i, l, y’, the two-story ‘a’, and optional shapes for ‘f, G, I, M’ are clarifying features. It supports over 150 Latin-based languages, and it also comes in a variable font version for developers and designers who value ultimate control, data savings, and design superiority.

Playpen Sans is the combination of technological and aesthetic potential, showing the best of both worlds with its digital capabilities and casual, handmade look. Is it spontaneous? Is it authentic? Thankfully, yes, and yes.


Playpen Sans has emojis for breezy and encouraging uses, that each match the eight named weights of the Latin. Find here the list of all the emojis available. You can copy and paste them into your document editor when using the font. 😉

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TypeTogether is an independent type foundry committed to excellence in type design with a focus on editorial use. Known for the popular typefaces Adelle and Bree, TypeTogether also creates custom type designs for corporate use, including their work for Google Play Books, Clarín, and Apple.


Laura is a freelance graphic and type designer based in Barcelona. She is specialised in all sorts of projects involving custom lettering and type design for branding and publishing design.

Veronika is a co-founder of the international indie foundry TypeTogether. She is one of the organisers of the mentorship program, chairwoman of the GRANSHAN project, and organiser of TypeTech MeetUp.

José is a typeface designer, lecturer, and author specialising in typography. He co-founded the TypeTogether font foundry with Veronika Burian, where they have published numerous award-winning type families.

Choosing type

When you have some text, how can you choose a typeface? Many people—professional designers included—go through an app’s font menu until we find one we like. But the aim of this Google Fonts Knowledge module is to show that there are many considerations that can improve our type choices. By setting some useful constraints to aid our type selection, we can also develop a critical eye for analyzing type along the way.

Playpen Sans - Google Fonts