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Zen Old Mincho

Designed by Yoshimichi Ohira


Zen Old Mincho is a Japanese mincho (serif) typeface with a classic design. This font family started with the regular (400) weight, and bold and black weights were added due to huge demand. The wide range of weights means while the design is intended for text usage, it also works well in large sizes.

To contribute to the project, visit

Zen Old Mincho はベーシックな本文用の日本語明朝体ファミリーです このフォントファミリーには、はじめは「Regular」の太さしかありませんでしたが、多くの要望にお応えして、他のウェイトも追加しました。使える太さの範囲が広いため、本文用だけでなく、その他さ まざまな場面やメディアでご利用いただけます。

このプロジェクトに参加して貢献したい方は、次の URL をご参照ください。

Say Hello to our big new Japanese collection with Zen Fonts: Learn about the complex beauty of Japanese fonts

In 2019, Google Fonts started an ambitious project to expand its font library with a variety of typeface designs for Japanese. At that point Google Fonts had fewer than 10 Japanese families, most of which were basic Mincho (serif) and gothic (sans) designs. Since then the collection of Japanese fonts within the library has grown, now with 38 font families from 18 designers, in a variety of styles – from formal text types to fun display fonts. All these Japanese fonts are now live on Google Fonts for anyone to test out and use in any project.

The Zen Fonts collection is the largest set of Japanese fonts on Google Fonts

As part of this larger effort to expand Japanese offerings, Google Fonts collaborated with type designer Yoshimichi Ohira to open his prestigious collection of Zen Fonts typefaces to the public. With 23 Japanese and three Latin fonts in various styles of mincho (serif), gothic (sans serif), maru (rounded), and display styles, the Zen Fonts collection is now the largest set of Japanese fonts in Google Fonts’ expansive library, and is also available in Adobe Fonts. Check out The Story of Zen Fonts - interview with Yoshimichi Ohira to learn more.

To learn more, read:
Say Hello to our big new Japanese collection with Zen Fonts (English)
The Story of Zen Fonts - interview with Yoshimichi Ohira (English)
Zenフォント: 新しい日本語フォントコレクションの登場 - 日本語フォントの複雑な美しさについて - (Japanese)
Zenフォントのおはなし:大平善道さんとのインタビュー (Japanese)


Yoshimichi Ohira started working on type design after several years of typesetting. He has created 23 Japanese fonts plus 3 Latin fonts. Popular works include "Zen Old Mincho N Family," in which he pursued traditional beauty of Japanese characters. Aside from type designing, Ohira also works on metal stamps with letters of his original design.

Zen Old Mincho - Google Fonts