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Wavefont is a variable font with Weight, Round, and Vertical Alignment axes for rendering data like waveforms, spectrums, diagrams, and bars.

Wavefont bars correspond to values from 0 to 100, assigned to different characters:

  • 0-9 chars are for simplified manual input with step 10 (bar height = number).
  • a-z/A-Z for manual input with step 2, softened at edges a and Z (bar height = number of letter).
  • U+0100-017F for 0..127 values with step 1.

letter-spacing CSS property with ch units is useful to adjust distance between bars, 1ch === 1 bar width.

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Based in Montreal, Dmitry Ivanov is open source and audio software enthusiast, author of open-source organizations audiojs, colorjs and projects such as subscript, lino and others. He developed special purpose audio-vis fonts such as Wavefont, Linefont and others.

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Wavefont - Google Fonts