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Font families

Font Family
42dot Sans wght 400 300 800 1
AR One Sans wght 400 400 700 1
ARRR 10 10 60 1
Advent Pro ital 0 0 1 1
wdth 100 100 200 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Afacad ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 400 700 1
Afacad Flux slnt 0 -14 14 1
wght 400 100 1000 1
Agu Display MORF 0 0 60 1
Akshar wght 400 300 700 1
Albert Sans ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 900 1
Alegreya ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 400 900 1
Aleo ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 900 1
Alexandria wght 400 100 900 1
Alkatra wght 400 400 700 1
Alumni Sans ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 900 1
Anaheim wght 400 400 800 1
Andada Pro ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 400 840 1
Anek Bangla wdth 100 75 125 0.1
wght 400 100 800 1
Anek Devanagari wdth 100 75 125 0.1
wght 400 100 800 1
Anek Gujarati wdth 100 75 125 0.1
wght 400 100 800 1
Anek Gurmukhi wdth 100 75 125 0.1
wght 400 100 800 1
Anek Kannada wdth 100 75 125 0.1
wght 400 100 800 1
Anek Latin wdth 100 75 125 0.1
wght 400 100 800 1
Anek Malayalam wdth 100 75 125 0.1
wght 400 100 800 1
Anek Odia wdth 100 75 125 0.1
wght 400 100 800 1
Anek Tamil wdth 100 75 125 0.1
wght 400 100 800 1
Anek Telugu wdth 100 75 125 0.1
wght 400 100 800 1
Antonio wght 400 100 700 1
Anuphan wght 400 100 700 1
Anybody ital 0 0 1 1
wdth 100 50 150 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Archivo ital 0 0 1 1
wdth 100 62 125 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Archivo Narrow ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 400 700 1
Arima wght 400 100 700 1
Arimo ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 400 700 1
Asap ital 0 0 1 1
wdth 100 75 125 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Assistant wght 400 200 800 1
Azeret Mono ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 900 1
Ballet opsz 16 16 72 0.1
Baloo 2 wght 400 400 800 1
Baloo Bhai 2 wght 400 400 800 1
Baloo Bhaijaan 2 wght 400 400 800 1
Baloo Bhaina 2 wght 400 400 800 1
Baloo Chettan 2 wght 400 400 800 1
Baloo Da 2 wght 400 400 800 1
Baloo Paaji 2 wght 400 400 800 1
Baloo Tamma 2 wght 400 400 800 1
Baloo Tammudu 2 wght 400 400 800 1
Baloo Thambi 2 wght 400 400 800 1
Beiruti wght 400 200 900 1
Besley ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 400 900 1
Big Shoulders Display wght 400 100 900 1
Big Shoulders Inline Display wght 400 100 900 1
Big Shoulders Inline Text wght 400 100 900 1
Big Shoulders Stencil Display wght 400 100 900 1
Big Shoulders Stencil Text wght 400 100 900 1
Big Shoulders Text wght 400 100 900 1
BioRhyme wdth 100 100 125 0.1
wght 400 200 800 1
Bitter ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 900 1
Bodoni Moda ital 0 0 1 1
opsz 11 6 96 0.1
wght 400 400 900 1
Bodoni Moda SC ital 0 0 1 1
opsz 11 6 96 0.1
wght 400 400 900 1
Bricolage Grotesque opsz 14 12 96 0.1
wdth 100 75 100 0.1
wght 400 200 800 1
Brygada 1918 ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 400 700 1
Cabin ital 0 0 1 1
wdth 100 75 100 0.1
wght 400 400 700 1
Cairo slnt 0 -11 11 1
wght 400 200 1000 1
Cairo Play slnt 0 -11 11 1
wght 400 200 1000 1
Catamaran wght 400 100 900 1
Caveat wght 400 400 700 1
Changa wght 400 200 800 1
Chivo ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 900 1
Chivo Mono ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 900 1
Cinzel wght 400 400 900 1
Climate Crisis YEAR 1979 1979 2050 1
Comfortaa wght 400 300 700 1
Comme wght 400 100 900 1
Commissioner slnt 0 -12 0 1
wght 400 100 900 1
FLAR 0 0 100 1
VOLM 0 0 100 1
Cormorant ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 300 700 1
Crimson Pro ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 200 900 1
Cuprum ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 400 700 1
DM Sans ital 0 0 1 1
opsz 14 9 40 0.1
wght 400 100 1000 1
Dancing Script wght 400 400 700 1
Danfo ELSH 0 0 100 0.1
Darker Grotesque wght 400 300 900 1
Domine wght 400 400 700 1
Dosis wght 400 200 800 1
Doto wght 400 100 900 1
ROND 0 0 100 1
DynaPuff wdth 100 75 100 0.1
wght 400 400 700 1
EB Garamond ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 400 800 1
Eczar wght 400 400 800 1
Edu AU VIC WA NT Arrows wght 400 400 700 1
Edu AU VIC WA NT Dots wght 400 400 700 1
Edu AU VIC WA NT Guides wght 400 400 700 1
Edu AU VIC WA NT Hand wght 400 400 700 1
Edu AU VIC WA NT Pre wght 400 400 700 1
Edu NSW ACT Foundation wght 400 400 700 1
Edu QLD Beginner wght 400 400 700 1
Edu SA Beginner wght 400 400 700 1
Edu TAS Beginner wght 400 400 700 1
Edu VIC WA NT Beginner wght 400 400 700 1
El Messiri wght 400 400 700 1
Encode Sans wdth 100 75 125 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Encode Sans SC wdth 100 75 125 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Epilogue ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 900 1
Exo ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 900 1
Exo 2 ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 900 1
Expletus Sans ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 400 700 1
Familjen Grotesk ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 400 700 1
Faustina ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 300 800 1
Figtree ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 300 900 1
Finlandica ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 400 700 1
Fira Code wght 400 300 700 1
Foldit wght 400 100 900 1
Frank Ruhl Libre wght 400 300 900 1
Fraunces ital 0 0 1 1
opsz 14 9 144 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
SOFT 0 0 100 0.1
WONK 0 0 1 1
Fredoka wdth 100 75 125 0.1
wght 400 300 700 1
Funnel Display wght 400 300 800 1
Funnel Sans ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 300 800 1
Fustat wght 400 200 800 1
Gabarito wght 400 400 900 1
Gantari ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 900 1
Geist wght 400 100 900 1
Geist Mono wght 400 100 900 1
Gelasio ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 400 700 1
Gemunu Libre wght 400 200 800 1
Genos ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 900 1
Geologica slnt 0 -12 0 1
wght 400 100 900 1
CRSV 0 0 1 0.1
SHRP 0 0 100 1
Georama ital 0 0 1 1
wdth 100 62.5 150 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Glory ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 800 1
Gluten slnt 0 -13 13 1
wght 400 100 900 1
Golos Text wght 400 400 900 1
Grandstander ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 900 1
Grenze Gotisch wght 400 100 900 1
Hahmlet wght 400 100 900 1
Handjet wght 400 100 900 1
ELGR 1 1 2 0.1
ELSH 2 0 16 0.1
Hanken Grotesk ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 900 1
Hedvig Letters Serif opsz 24 12 24 0.1
Heebo wght 400 100 900 1
Hepta Slab wght 400 1 900 1
Honk MORF 15 0 45 1
SHLN 50 0 100 0.1
Host Grotesk ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 300 800 1
Hubot Sans ital 0 0 1 1
wdth 100 75 125 0.1
wght 400 200 900 1
IBM Plex Sans ital 0 0 1 1
wdth 100 75 100 0.1
wght 400 100 700 1
Ibarra Real Nova ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 400 700 1
Imbue opsz 10 10 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Inclusive Sans ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 300 700 1
Inconsolata wdth 100 50 200 0.1
wght 400 200 900 1
Instrument Sans ital 0 0 1 1
wdth 100 75 100 0.1
wght 400 400 700 1
Inter ital 0 0 1 1
opsz 14 14 32 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Inter Tight ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 900 1
Jaro opsz 14 6 72 0.1
JetBrains Mono ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 800 1
Josefin Sans ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 700 1
Josefin Slab ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 700 1
Jost ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 900 1
Jura wght 400 300 700 1
Kablammo MORF 0 0 60 1
Kalnia wdth 100 100 125 0.1
wght 400 100 700 1
Kalnia Glaze wdth 100 100 125 0.1
wght 400 100 700 1
Kameron wght 400 400 700 1
Kantumruy Pro ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 700 1
Karla ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 200 800 1
Kode Mono wght 400 400 700 1
Kreon wght 400 300 700 1
Kufam ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 400 900 1
Kumbh Sans wght 400 100 900 1
YOPQ 300 40 300 1
Labrada ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 900 1
League Gothic wdth 100 75 100 0.1
League Spartan wght 400 100 900 1
Lemonada wght 400 300 700 1
Lexend wght 400 100 900 1
Lexend Deca wght 400 100 900 1
Lexend Exa wght 400 100 900 1
Lexend Giga wght 400 100 900 1
Lexend Mega wght 400 100 900 1
Lexend Peta wght 400 100 900 1
Lexend Tera wght 400 100 900 1
Lexend Zetta wght 400 100 900 1
Libre Bodoni ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 400 700 1
Libre Franklin ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 900 1
Linefont wdth 100 25 200 0.1
wght 400 4 1000 1
Literata ital 0 0 1 1
opsz 14 7 72 0.1
wght 400 200 900 1
Lora ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 400 700 1
M PLUS 1 wght 400 100 900 1
M PLUS 1 Code wght 400 100 700 1
M PLUS 2 wght 400 100 900 1
M PLUS Code Latin wdth 100 100 125 0.1
wght 400 100 700 1
Mada wght 400 200 900 1
Manrope wght 400 200 800 1
Manuale ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 300 800 1
Marhey wght 400 300 700 1
Markazi Text wght 400 400 700 1
Martian Mono wdth 100 75 112.5 0.1
wght 400 100 800 1
Maven Pro wght 400 400 900 1
Merienda wght 400 300 900 1
Merriweather Sans ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 300 800 1
Miriam Libre wght 400 400 700 1
Moderustic wght 400 300 800 1
Mohave ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 300 700 1
Mona Sans ital 0 0 1 1
wdth 100 75 125 0.1
wght 400 200 900 1
Monda wght 400 400 700 1
Montagu Slab opsz 144 16 144 0.1
wght 400 100 700 1
Montserrat ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 900 1
Montserrat Underline ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 900 1
Mulish ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 200 1000 1
Murecho wght 400 100 900 1
MuseoModerno ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 900 1
Nabla EDPT 100 0 200 1
EHLT 12 0 24 1
Newsreader ital 0 0 1 1
opsz 16 6 72 0.1
wght 400 200 800 1
Noto Emoji wght 400 300 700 1
Noto Kufi Arabic wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Naskh Arabic wght 400 400 700 1
Noto Nastaliq Urdu wght 400 400 700 1
Noto Rashi Hebrew wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans ital 0 0 1 1
wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans Adlam wght 400 400 700 1
Noto Sans Adlam Unjoined wght 400 400 700 1
Noto Sans Arabic wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans Armenian wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans Balinese wght 400 400 700 1
Noto Sans Bamum wght 400 400 700 1
Noto Sans Bassa Vah wght 400 400 700 1
Noto Sans Bengali wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans Canadian Aboriginal wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans Cham wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans Cherokee wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans Devanagari wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans Display ital 0 0 1 1
wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans Ethiopic wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans Georgian wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans Gujarati wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans Gunjala Gondi wght 400 400 700 1
Noto Sans Gurmukhi wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans HK wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans Hanifi Rohingya wght 400 400 700 1
Noto Sans Hebrew wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans JP wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans Javanese wght 400 400 700 1
Noto Sans KR wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans Kannada wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans Kawi wght 400 400 700 1
Noto Sans Kayah Li wght 400 400 700 1
Noto Sans Khmer wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans Lao wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans Lao Looped wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans Lisu wght 400 400 700 1
Noto Sans Malayalam wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans Medefaidrin wght 400 400 700 1
Noto Sans Meetei Mayek wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans Mono wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans NKo Unjoined wght 400 400 700 1
Noto Sans Nag Mundari wght 400 400 700 1
Noto Sans New Tai Lue wght 400 400 700 1
Noto Sans Ol Chiki wght 400 400 700 1
Noto Sans Oriya wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans SC wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans Sinhala wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans Sora Sompeng wght 400 400 700 1
Noto Sans Sundanese wght 400 400 700 1
Noto Sans Symbols wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans Syriac wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans Syriac Eastern wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans TC wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans Tai Tham wght 400 400 700 1
Noto Sans Tamil wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans Tangsa wght 400 400 700 1
Noto Sans Telugu wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans Thaana wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans Thai wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Sans Vithkuqi wght 400 400 700 1
Noto Serif ital 0 0 1 1
wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Serif Armenian wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Serif Bengali wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Serif Devanagari wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Serif Display ital 0 0 1 1
wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Serif Ethiopic wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Serif Georgian wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Serif Gujarati wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Serif Gurmukhi wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Serif HK wght 400 200 900 1
Noto Serif Hebrew wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Serif Hentaigana wght 400 200 900 1
Noto Serif JP wght 400 200 900 1
Noto Serif KR wght 400 200 900 1
Noto Serif Kannada wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Serif Khmer wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Serif Khojki wght 400 400 700 1
Noto Serif Lao wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Serif Malayalam wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Serif NP Hmong wght 400 400 700 1
Noto Serif Oriya wght 400 400 700 1
Noto Serif SC wght 400 200 900 1
Noto Serif Sinhala wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Serif TC wght 400 200 900 1
Noto Serif Tamil ital 0 0 1 1
wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Serif Telugu wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Serif Thai wdth 100 62.5 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Serif Tibetan wght 400 100 900 1
Noto Serif Toto wght 400 400 700 1
Noto Serif Vithkuqi wght 400 400 700 1
Noto Serif Yezidi wght 400 400 700 1
Noto Traditional Nushu wght 400 300 700 1
Nunito ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 200 1000 1
Nunito Sans ital 0 0 1 1
opsz 12 6 12 0.1
wdth 100 75 125 0.1
wght 400 200 1000 1
YTLC 500 440 540 1
Ojuju wght 400 200 800 1
Onest wght 400 100 900 1
Open Sans ital 0 0 1 1
wdth 100 75 100 0.1
wght 400 300 800 1
Orbitron wght 400 400 900 1
Oswald wght 400 200 700 1
Outfit wght 400 100 900 1
Overpass ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 900 1
Overpass Mono wght 400 300 700 1
Oxanium wght 400 200 800 1
Parkinsans wght 400 300 800 1
Pathway Extreme ital 0 0 1 1
opsz 12 8 144 0.1
wdth 100 75 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Petrona ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 900 1
Phudu wght 400 300 900 1
Piazzolla ital 0 0 1 1
opsz 14 8 30 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Pixelify Sans wght 400 400 700 1
Platypi ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 300 800 1
Playfair ital 0 0 1 1
opsz 14 5 1200 0.1
wdth 100 87.5 112.5 0.1
wght 400 300 900 1
Playfair Display ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 400 900 1
Playpen Sans wght 400 100 800 1
Playwrite AR wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite AT ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite AU NSW wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite AU QLD wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite AU SA wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite AU TAS wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite AU VIC wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite BE VLG wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite BE WAL wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite BR wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite CA wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite CL wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite CO wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite CU wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite CZ wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite DE Grund wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite DE LA wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite DE SAS wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite DE VA wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite DK Loopet wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite DK Uloopet wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite ES wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite ES Deco wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite FR Moderne wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite FR Trad wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite GB J ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite GB S ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite HR wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite HR Lijeva wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite HU wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite ID wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite IE wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite IN wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite IS wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite IT Moderna wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite IT Trad wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite MX wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite NG Modern wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite NL wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite NO wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite NZ wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite PE wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite PL wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite PT wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite RO wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite SK wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite TZ wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite US Modern wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite US Trad wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite VN wght 400 100 400 1
Playwrite ZA wght 400 100 400 1
Plus Jakarta Sans ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 200 800 1
Podkova wght 400 400 800 1
Poltawski Nowy ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 400 700 1
Pontano Sans wght 400 300 700 1
Public Sans ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 900 1
Quicksand wght 400 300 700 1
REM ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 900 1
Radio Canada ital 0 0 1 1
wdth 100 75 100 0.1
wght 400 300 700 1
Radio Canada Big ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 400 700 1
Raleway ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 900 1
Rasa ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 300 700 1
Readex Pro wght 400 160 700 1
HEXP 0 0 100 0.1
Recursive slnt 0 -15 0 1
wght 400 300 1000 1
CASL 0 0 1 0.01
CRSV 0.5 0 1 0.1
MONO 0 0 1 0.01
Red Hat Display ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 300 900 1
Red Hat Mono ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 300 700 1
Red Hat Text ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 300 700 1
Red Rose wght 400 300 700 1
Reddit Mono wght 400 200 900 1
Reddit Sans ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 200 900 1
Reddit Sans Condensed wght 400 200 900 1
Reem Kufi wght 400 400 700 1
Reem Kufi Fun wght 400 400 700 1
Rethink Sans ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 400 800 1
Roboto ital 0 0 1 1
wdth 100 75 100 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Roboto Condensed ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 900 1
Roboto Flex opsz 14 8 144 0.1
slnt 0 -10 0 1
wdth 100 25 151 0.1
wght 400 100 1000 1
GRAD 0 -200 150 1
XOPQ 96 27 175 1
XTRA 468 323 603 1
YOPQ 79 25 135 1
YTAS 750 649 854 1
YTDE -203 -305 -98 1
YTFI 738 560 788 1
YTLC 514 416 570 1
YTUC 712 528 760 1
Roboto Mono ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 700 1
Roboto Serif ital 0 0 1 1
opsz 14 8 144 0.1
wdth 100 50 150 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
GRAD 0 -50 100 1
Roboto Slab wght 400 100 900 1
Rokkitt ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 900 1
Rosario ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 300 700 1
Rubik ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 300 900 1
Ruda wght 400 400 900 1
STIX Two Text ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 400 700 1
SUSE wght 400 100 800 1
Saira ital 0 0 1 1
wdth 100 50 125 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Sansita Swashed wght 400 300 900 1
Schibsted Grotesk ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 400 900 1
Sen wght 400 400 800 1
Shantell Sans ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 300 800 1
BNCE 0 -100 100 1
INFM 0 0 100 1
SPAC 0 0 100 0.1
Signika wght 400 300 700 1
GRAD 0 -30 0 1
Signika Negative wght 400 300 700 1
Sixtyfour BLED 0 0 100 1
SCAN 0 -53 100 1
Sixtyfour Convergence BLED 0 0 100 1
SCAN 0 -53 100 1
XELA 0 -100 100 1
YELA 0 -100 100 1
Smooch Sans wght 400 100 900 1
Sofia Sans ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 1 1000 1
Sofia Sans Condensed ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 1 1000 1
Sofia Sans Extra Condensed ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 1 1000 1
Sofia Sans Semi Condensed ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 1 1000 1
Sometype Mono ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 400 700 1
Sono wght 400 200 800 1
MONO 1 0 1 0.01
Sora wght 400 100 800 1
Sour Gummy ital 0 0 1 1
wdth 100 100 125 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Source Code Pro ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 200 900 1
Source Sans 3 ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 200 900 1
Source Serif 4 ital 0 0 1 1
opsz 14 8 60 0.1
wght 400 200 900 1
Space Grotesk wght 400 300 700 1
Spline Sans wght 400 300 700 1
Spline Sans Mono ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 300 700 1
Stick No Bills wght 400 200 800 1
Syne wght 400 400 800 1
Teachers ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 400 800 1
Teko wght 400 300 700 1
Tektur wdth 100 75 100 0.1
wght 400 400 900 1
Texturina ital 0 0 1 1
opsz 12 12 72 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Tilt Neon XROT 0 -45 45 1
YROT 0 -45 45 1
Tilt Prism XROT 0 -45 45 1
YROT 0 -45 45 1
Tilt Warp XROT 0 -45 45 1
YROT 0 -45 45 1
Tourney ital 0 0 1 1
wdth 100 75 125 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Trispace wdth 100 75 125 0.1
wght 400 100 800 1
Truculenta opsz 14 12 72 0.1
wdth 100 75 125 0.1
wght 400 100 900 1
Ubuntu Sans ital 0 0 1 1
wdth 100 75 100 0.1
wght 400 100 800 1
Ubuntu Sans Mono ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 400 700 1
Unbounded wght 400 200 900 1
Urbanist ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 900 1
Varta wght 400 300 700 1
Vazirmatn wght 400 100 900 1
Victor Mono ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 700 1
Vollkorn ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 400 900 1
Wavefont wght 400 4 1000 1
ROND 100 0 100 1
YELA -100 -100 100 1
Wittgenstein ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 400 900 1
Wix Madefor Display wght 400 400 800 1
Wix Madefor Text ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 400 800 1
Work Sans ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 100 900 1
Workbench BLED 0 0 100 1
SCAN 0 -53 100 1
Yaldevi wght 400 200 700 1
Yanone Kaffeesatz wght 400 200 700 1
Yrsa ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 300 700 1
Ysabeau ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 1 1000 1
Ysabeau Infant ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 1 1000 1
Ysabeau Office ital 0 0 1 1
wght 400 1 1000 1
Ysabeau SC wght 400 1 1000 1

Axis definitions

Default: 0Min: 0Max: 1Step: 1
Adjust the style from roman to italic. This can be provided as a continuous range within a single font file, like most axes, or as a toggle between two roman and italic files that form a family as a pair.
Optical Size
Default: 14Min: 5Max: 1200Step: 0.1
Adapt the style to specific text sizes. At smaller sizes, letters typically become optimized for more legibility. At larger sizes, optimized for headlines, with more extreme weights and widths. In CSS this axis is activated automatically when it is available.
Default: 0Min: -90Max: 90Step: 1
Adjust the style from upright to slanted. Negative values produce right-leaning forms, also known to typographers as an 'oblique' style. Positive values produce left-leaning forms, also called a 'backslanted' or 'reverse oblique' style.
Default: 400Min: 1Max: 1000Step: 1
Adjust the style from lighter to bolder in typographic color, by varying stroke weights, spacing and kerning, and other aspects of the type. This typically changes overall width, and so may be used in conjunction with Width and Grade axes.
Default: 100Min: 25Max: 200Step: 0.1
Adjust the style from narrower to wider, by varying the proportions of counters, strokes, spacing and kerning, and other aspects of the type. This typically changes the typographic color in a subtle way, and so may be used in conjunction with Weight and Grade axes.
AR Retinal Resolution
Default: 10Min: 10Max: 60Step: 1
Resolution-specific enhancements in AR/VR typefaces to optimize rendering across the different resolutions of the headsets making designs accessible and easy to read.
Ascender Height
Default: 750Min: 0Max: 1000Step: 1
A parametric axis for varying the height of lowercase ascenders.
Default: 0Min: 0Max: 100Step: 1
Bleed adjusts the overall darkness in the typographic color of strokes or other forms, without any changes in overall width, line breaks, or page layout. Negative values make the font appearance lighter, while positive values make it darker, similarly to ink bleed or dot gain on paper.
Default: 0Min: -100Max: 100Step: 1
Shift glyphs up and down in the Y dimension, resulting in an uneven, bouncy baseline.
Default: 0Min: 0Max: 1Step: 0.01
Adjust stroke curvature, contrast, and terminals from a sturdy, rational Linear style to a friendly, energetic Casual style.
Counter Width
Default: 400Min: -1000Max: 2000Step: 1
A parametric axis for varying counter widths in the X dimension.
Default: 0.5Min: 0Max: 1Step: 0.1
Control the substitution of cursive forms along the Slant axis. 'Off' (0) maintains Roman letterforms such as a double-storey a and g, 'Auto' (0.5) allows for Cursive substitution, and 'On' (1) asserts cursive forms even in upright text with a Slant of 0.
Descender Depth
Default: -250Min: -1000Max: 0Step: 1
A parametric axis for varying the depth of lowercase descenders.
Edge Highlight
Default: 12Min: 0Max: 1000Step: 1
Controls thickness of edge highlight details.
Element Expansion
Default: 0Min: 0Max: 100Step: 1
As the Element Expansion axis progresses, the elements move apart.
Element Grid
Default: 1Min: 1Max: 2Step: 0.1
In modular fonts, where glyphs are composed using multiple copies of the same element, this axis controls how many elements are used per one grid unit.
Element Shape
Default: 0Min: 0Max: 100Step: 0.1
In modular fonts, where glyphs are composed using multiple copies of the same element, this axis controls the shape of the element
Extrusion Depth
Default: 100Min: 0Max: 1000Step: 1
Controls the 3D depth on contours.
Figure Height
Default: 600Min: -1000Max: 2000Step: 1
A parametric axis for varying the height of figures.
Default: 0Min: 0Max: 1Step: 0.01
Fill in transparent forms with opaque ones. Sometimes interior opaque forms become transparent, to maintain contrasting shapes. This can be useful in animation or interaction to convey a state transition. Ranges from 0 (no treatment) to 1 (completely filled).
Default: 0Min: 0Max: 100Step: 1
As the flare axis grows, the stem terminals go from straight (0%) to develop a swelling (100%).
Default: 0Min: -1000Max: 1000Step: 1
Finesse the style from lighter to bolder in typographic color, without any changes overall width, line breaks or page layout. Negative grade makes the style lighter, while positive grade makes it bolder. The units are the same as in the Weight axis.
Horizontal Element Alignment
Default: 0Min: -100Max: 100Step: 1
Align glyph elements from their default position (0%), usually the baseline, to a rightmost (100%) or leftmost (-100%) position.
Horizontal Position of Paint 1
Default: 0Min: -100Max: 100Step: 1
The position of the paint moves left and right. Negative values move to the left and positive values move to the right, in the X dimension. Paint 1 is behind Paint 2.
Horizontal Position of Paint 2
Default: 0Min: -100Max: 100Step: 1
The position of the paint moves left and right. Negative values move to the left and positive values move to the right, in the X dimension. Paint 2 is in front of Paint 1.
Hyper Expansion
Default: 0Min: 0Max: 100Step: 0.1
Expansion of inner and outer space of glyphs.
Default: 0Min: 0Max: 100Step: 1
Adjusts overall design from formal and traditional (0%) to informal and unconventional (up to 100%).
Lowercase Height
Default: 500Min: 0Max: 1000Step: 1
A parametric axis for varying the height of the lowercase.
Default: 0Min: 0Max: 1Step: 0.01
Adjust the style from Proportional (natural widths, default) to Monospace (fixed width). With proportional spacing, each glyph takes up a unique amount of space on a line, while monospace is when all glyphs have the same total character width.
Default: 0Min: 0Max: 60Step: 1
Letterforms morph: Changing in unconventional ways, that don't alter other attributes, like width or weight. The range from 0 to 60 can be understood as seconds.
Rotation in X
Default: 0Min: -180Max: 180Step: 1
Glyphs rotate left and right, negative values to the left and positive values to the right, in the X dimension.
Rotation in Y
Default: 0Min: -180Max: 180Step: 1
Glyphs rotate up and down, negative values tilt down and positive values tilt up, in the Y dimension.
Rotation in Z
Default: 0Min: -180Max: 180Step: 1
Glyphs rotate left and right, negative values to the left and positive values to the right, in the Z dimension.
Default: 0Min: 0Max: 100Step: 1
Adjust shapes from angular defaults (0%) to become increasingly rounded (up to 100%).
Default: 0Min: -100Max: 100Step: 1
Break up shapes into horizontal segments without any changes in overall width, letter spacing, or kerning, so there are no line breaks or page layout changes. Negative values make the scanlines thinner, and positive values make them thicker.
Shadow Length
Default: 50Min: 0Max: 100Step: 0.1
Adjusts the font's shadow length from no shadow visible (0 %) to a maximum shadow applied (100%) relative to each family design.
Default: 0Min: 0Max: 100Step: 1
Adjust shapes from angular or blunt default shapes (0%) to become increasingly sharped forms (up to 100%).
Size of Paint 1
Default: 0Min: -100Max: 100Step: 1
Modifies the size of a paint element going from an initial size (0) to positive values that increase the size (100%) or negative values that shrink it down (-100%). Reducing the size can create transparency.
Size of Paint 2
Default: 0Min: -100Max: 100Step: 1
Modifies the size of a paint element going from an initial size (0) to positive values that increase the size (100%) or negative values that shrink it down (-100%). Reducing the size can create transparency. Paint 2 is in front of Paint 1.
Default: 0Min: 0Max: 100Step: 0.1
Adjust letterforms to become more and more soft and rounded.
Default: 0Min: -100Max: 100Step: 0.1
Adjusts the overall letter spacing of a font. The range is a relative percentage change from the family’s default spacing, so the default value is 0.
Thick Stroke
Default: 88Min: -1000Max: 2000Step: 1
A parametric axis for varying thick stroke weights, such as stems.
Thin Stroke
Default: 116Min: -1000Max: 2000Step: 1
A parametric axis for varying thin stroke weights, such as bars and hairlines.
Uppercase Height
Default: 725Min: 0Max: 1000Step: 1
A parametric axis for varying the heights of uppercase letterforms.
Vertical Element Alignment
Default: 0Min: -100Max: 100Step: 1
Align glyphs elements from their default position (0%), usually the baseline, to an upper (100%) or lower (-100%) position.
Vertical Extension
Default: 0Min: 0Max: 100Step: 1
The axis extends glyphs in the Y dimension, such as the Cap Height, Ascender and Descender lengths. This is a relative axis, starting at 0% and going to the typeface's individual maximum extent at 100%.
Vertical Position of Paint 1
Default: 0Min: -100Max: 100Step: 1
The position of the paint moves up and down. Negative values move down and positive values move up. Paint 1 is behind Paint 2.
Vertical Position of Paint 2
Default: 0Min: -100Max: 100Step: 1
The position of the paint moves up and down. Negative values move down and positive values move up. Paint 2 is in front of Paint 1.
Default: 0Min: 0Max: 100Step: 1
Expands and exaggerates details of a typeface to emphasize the personality. Understood in a percentage amount, it goes from a neutral state (0%) to a maximum level (100%).
Default: 0Min: 0Max: 1Step: 1
Toggle the substitution of wonky forms. 'Off' (0) maintains more conventional letterforms, while 'On' (1) maintains wonky letterforms, such as leaning stems in roman, or flagged ascenders in italic. These forms are also controlled by Optical Size.
Default: 2000Min: -4000Max: 4000Step: 1
Axis that shows in a metaphoric way the effect of time on a chosen topic.
Variable fonts - Google Fonts